How do I use the CSS profile for College Scholarships?

College Scholarship Information

The CSS PROFILE is a financial aid application used by many private colleges and universities.  The PROFILE is an online application that collects information used by certain

colleges and scholarship programs to award institutional aid funds. (All federal funds are awarded based on the FAFSA, available after Jan. 1 at Some colleges may require additional information, such as tax returns or an institutional application. If your parents are divorced, some colleges will also require your noncustodial parent to complete the Noncustodial PROFILE.  Here is a link to the colleges that require the CSS Profile as part of their financial aid packaging.

Lisa Paolo is first and foremost the mother of five children. Before moving to Florida with her family, she was the Principal of a Public School of the Arts in New York City. Lisa was the youngest administrator appointed in the city of New York at the age of only 31.   She has spent the last four years working with student athletes and implementing programs for them to excel at the college level! Lisa is also working on a book from her experiences as a NYC Principal and the school of the arts. She expects it to be published next summer. You can learn more about her programs for student athletes at

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